Gilbert, AZ 85234

Frequently Asked Questions about Neurologically-based Chiropractic care in Gilbert, AZ

YES! Chiropractic care focuses on optimizing the full potential of the human body by removing any interference from the nervous system. This allows the body to heal and process stress as it was intended leading to a happier, healthier lifestyle.

At Edified Chiropractic, we take your health very seriously. Your first day in the office consists of several examinations including a neurologic evaluation, spinal exam, and x-rays if clinically indicated. Drs. Todd and Carson will review these in detail prior to your next visit. On your second day in the office we will share our recommendations and give you your first opportunity to get adjusted.

At Edified Chiropractic, we do not believe that a 3rd party should make recommendations or dictate care for any of our practice members. For this reason, we are not in network with any health insurance companies. Our cash rates are often more affordable when compared to insurance prices making it easier to serve families of all sizes. However, if you would like to self-submit to insurance for reimbursement we’d be happy to provide the appropriate documentation needed to do so.

Regular chiropractic care for children allows for them to maintain optimal nervous system function throughout development resulting in a better, happier, and healthier life. Healthy kids grow into healthy adults.

You can expect your first visit in our office to be 1 hour. We will do a thorough initial health consultation, neurologic evaluation, spinal exam, and take specific chiropractic x-rays if clinically indicated. Once under care, appointments in our office are between 10-15 minutes.